Saturday, January 15, 2011


Good heavens, I'm too tired to write tonight.

But here I am and it's been too long and I need to write this post.

Since I posted the infamous Mark Driscoll quote a month ago, I've contemplated what it is about that statement that I find so appalling. Of course, there are multiple aspects of it that are offensive (and probably meant to be offensive) but ordinarily I would just let something like that go. But something about that quote stuck and I couldn't figure it out.

I realized that it was redemption.

Redemption is my religion, my hope for the world and for myself, the hill I will die on, sin qua non of Christianity. It's naive, unlikely and absolutely essential.

You must understand that if people can't be changed my life is meaningless.

In my opinion, pure Christianity is the opposite of cynicism because it's based on the notion that the most broken among us can be healed. Not cleaned up a bit or taught to follow a new set of rules, but permanently internally transformed.

Bearing all of this in mind, the idea that all women have a character flaw so deep that even Christ can only redeem them enough to sit in the back (because they're too gullible to be trusted with leadership) is disgusting to me.

That women can't be transformed completely is a lie of the vilest kind because it threatens to extinguish the hope of complete redemption through Christ for women.

People change. Men, women and children change at a deep level when they choose to allow Christ to transform their lives. I've seen in happen. It happened to me.


Tracy said...

Alyssa - this is possibly the best blog post you've written - you hit the nail on the head - too many people, especially Christian leaders put God in a box and narrowly define what He can and can't do ... and that's NOT the God I believe in! Christ died to redeem us all - COMPLETELY! And to say otherwise is to deny His grace and power! Amen, sister - keep preaching it - because it it God's truth!

Alyssa the Ragamuffin said...

I need to clarify something already. I realize, re-reading this, that it appears that I feel that any restriction on what women can do flies in the face of redemption. What I *mean*, though, is only that to limit them based on a permanent character flaw flies in the face of redemption.

~Beth D. said...

Galations 3:28 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Britty said...
