Wednesday, April 6, 2011


  • Evan ate (and loved!) a whole jar of carrots! He hasn't been that into "big boy food" until last week. I was excited. So was he.
  • We played outside for hours. It was wonderful. Lilia loves our new water table and Evan just likes being out there and watching everything. I also gave Lilia her own "garden" (a big pot full of dirt) and a spoon. She was a happy camper.
  • This is yesterday but I must commemorate: During a bath, Lilia spontaneously stood up, turned around, pointed and said, "Look at my tukis!" She will kill me for posting this in about 11 years.
  • Lilia was extremely excited to see that Evan was still awake when we went in their bedroom to put her to bed. She went right up to his crib and hugged and kissed him through the rails. "Mama look! Evan's awake!" He smiled at her adoringly and she said, "I love you too."