Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Pretty Good Week

I'm always a little proud of myself for making it to Saturday, which is Jeff's last day of work for the week and therefore mine. Most weeks I limp to the finish line and feel a little disappointed. Sometimes I wish I were one of those moms. Do you know what I mean? The moms who have it all together with dinner on the table and the house clean and the kids happy? And they never wear their sweats, unless they're going to the gym, which they do like 5 days a week.

But enough about those moms, because this is not one of those weeks for me. This week has been so much better because it hasn't been about trying to have it all together. This week has been about learning to give up, and it has been glorious. I've tried many plans to pull myself together, but failing and giving up is an idea I can really get behind. I'm starting to feel like the french frogs in the movie "Ratatouille." They're supposed to be sophisticated troops, but they surrender at the drop of a hat. Someone give me a white flag because I am on board with that!


Erica said...

Did you dye your hair, or is that just sun-lightened? Really cute!!

Alyssa the Ragamuffin said...

No dye, so I guess it's sun-lightened? Just looks normal color to me....

Mel said...

I'm not one of those moms either. I do my best, and was getting the hang of it, and then God sat back, laughed to himself and gave me another one.

So I went out and bought cute sweats :)