Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall, and all that that entails.

It's Fall. Honest-to-God Fall. Those of you in other, less scalding parts of the country may not understand the depth of this reality.

How could you, really, when you've been casually wandering the great outdoors in your double-digit temperatures all summer?

It's like the recess bell. Or, better yet, the last bell of the school day on the last day of school. Everyone outside! Now! For months!

And it's so much more fun with two little people to share it with. October brought a wonderful outside party at a local farm with Lilia's beloved "Joshie." No, we didn't put them up to this picture.

Then, the next day we picked out a pumpkin

and then went to our church's Harvest Festival, where they had a bounce house without a bunch of big kids in it. So Lilia was able to go in a bounce house for the first time! It was so cool to see her warm up to the idea. She also played a ton of games and pretty much picked necklaces for every prize. She was very serious about the whole thing. :)

Where was Evan in all of this? Asleep in our wonderful Pikkolo carrier, of course. :) Or nursing or just looking around and taking it all in. Generally on the person taking the pictures. :(

Next post will be about the fair and we got several cute ones of him there. His personality is coming out so much and we all fall more in love with him every day. Especially these days.

Happy Fall. :)

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