Saturday, November 20, 2010

Prescott and Parade

I haven't posted pics in a little while so here are some fun ones.

When Jeff's folks were here we had the opportunity to go up to Prescott with them and see Jeff's Aunt and Uncle. Well, Aunt Lynn has a *way* with babies and Evan just conked right out on her. It was so cute!

However, in his waking time he's making quite a show of the whole holding-up-his-head thing.

One of my favorite aspects of this time of year is our town's big parade. It's such a fun family treat! This was our second year, but Lilia was so much more engaged with it this time around. It was very cool.
Jeff wore Evan in the carrier part o the time and I can never resist taking pictures of the hot babywearing Daddy!

Sometimes I still can't believe how blessed we are. So fun to hang out with our little family!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

It was so fun having you come up! Evan is a great cuddlier.