Friday, December 25, 2009

Beautiful and Crazy

I have so much to say.

Let me start by saying that avoiding a subject I'm excited about is nearly impossible for me, which is why it's been very difficult to blog recently. People who know me know that I'm the worst avoider in the world. If there's something that's hard to talk about or important or whatever, that's the first thing I bring up. What was the topic I was avoiding in my blog? We're having another baby! Baby #2 will join us next summer.

Why avoid that topic? Because last time it was very difficult to go back and tell everyone that I had miscarried. Probably 85% of people were awesome about it, but that 15% who just couldn't understand or offer real sympathy were agonizing for me. It's a very vulnerable place to be, to have someone not understand, or worse or try to minimize (BTW, have a friend who lost a baby and wondering what to say? Look here!) . Of course the silver lining was realizing that the vast majority of our friends and family are totally "safe" to be real with, even when things are not fine. What a gift! But this time we decided to wait a little while and save ourselves the agony of telling the world too early and possibly having to share our grief with big numbers of people.

So we're telling everyone now for two reasons. First, someone we love inadvertently outed us in a Christmas card, not realizing we were waiting to tell. And second, we saw the baby's heartbeat on ultrasound on Tuesday! That means that we are out of the very high risk zone for miscarriage. It was the best Christmas present we could've received!!!

I have so much more to share on this beautiful Christmas day, but I will let this news sink in first.

God is so good to us.


Lynn said...

Congratulations! God is very good.

Tracy said...


Michelle said...

Congrats!! Yall will be in my prayers:)

Anonymous said...

How awesome Alyssa :) Congrats to you and Jeff! :) :) :) :)