Thursday, October 29, 2009

Domestic Violence

I went to a great meeting today of the Phoenix chapter of Christians for Biblical Equality. Since October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, they hosted a speaker form the Sojourners Center, which is apparently the biggest domestic violence shelter in the world. I was reminded again of some startling facts about domestic violence. A few things that were brought to mind:
  • Domestic violence will impact 1 in 4 women in her lifetime.
  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury for females aged 15-44.
  • There are nearly never any legal consequences for abusers, even when abuse is reported, because they are often gone by the time the police arrive and, if not, there is nearly never enough evidence to prosecute. If they are prosecuted, it's a misdemeanor. In AZ, three misdemeanors constitutes a felony but no one has been prosecuted under that rule.
  • When asked if they've experienced domestic violence, nearly all women say no in surveys. But then they say that they've been hit, kicked, demeaned, threatened, etc.
  • Abuse is never an anger issue. It is a pattern of coercion that uses violence to achieve desired results. Abusers don't "lose control."
All of this reminds me of the need to speak out yet again on this subject. Everyone has a right to feel safe in his/her home. If you're wondering whether you're being abused, this quiz is a great resource to confirm your feelings.

I know as I write this that more than one person reading it is being abused. Please, please talk with someone who can help you. I would be more than happy to talk with you and to help you get whatever resources you need to be in a safe place.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phil. 4:7

We and our friends have come through several storms lately -- relational, economic, you name it. But through it all, and now mostly on the other side of it, I've just felt such a sense of peace. It
does "transcend all understanding," doesn't it? It doesn't make sense. Albert Camus said “In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” I think I'm beginning to see the summer God has put in my soul.
I've thought so much in the last decade about the biblical admonition to build your house on the rock, where storms will not overcome it, and to store your treasure in Heaven, where moths can't destroy it. What rock? What treasure? I think I'm starting to understand. I heard a children's pastor named Jim Sumner preach to children one day about the "meaning of life." He told them that grown-ups are always searching for "the meaning of life" but he was going to save them years of wandering by telling them straight out: the meaning if life is found in relationships. My dad has been known to say that relationships are the only things we can take with us to Heaven.

For me building my treasure where moth and rust cannot destroy means building my life around relationships. And the Rock, on which the house is built, is my relationship with God.

In the last "Anne" book I finished, one of Anne's extremely frivolous friends gets seriously ill and finally dies. On the day she dies she has a conversation with Anne wherein she says that she's afraid to go to Heaven because it will be so different than her life on Earth, and nothing there will be the things that were important to her before death. Anne realizes that her friend is right that Heaven will be very different than her life because this friend has built her entire life around shallow relationships and pretty dresses. Anne vows to live her life so that Heaven will be filled with familiar things that she's already loved.

This is obviously one of those rambling posts that's more for my benefit than for the benefit of the reader, but I suppose what I'm working out while writing it is that nothing can shake Heaven. If I can build my life around what lasts forever, it won't collapse when shaken by things that don't.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tea Party

On Saturday I hosted a lovely tea party for myself, Lilia, and 4 of our dearest girlfriends. It was fabulous. The M's even got a special NEW tea set for the occasion from their mother! After we had sipped tea and eaten delicate sandwiches and baked goods we adjourned to the parlor to watch "The Princess Diaries." A fancy time was had by all.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

True Love

I'm reading L. M. Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables" series and, of course, I'm caught up in the romance of it. I'm also fresh from a little bout of illness (which I think was the flu, but didn't get to develop due to rest and good eating and drinking water!), which served to remind me of the make of the man I married. He is made from the strongest character there is. And our love is made from the strongest bond of friendship there is, but shaped into a romance. I know just exactly how blessed I am every day to be with the person I want to be with most in the world. And to see him reflected in our daughter is beyond what I can describe in words. I am so grateful that I learned, after searching far and wide, that the truest love was to be had right at home. And that love has become my home, a shelter from the storm built on the Rock.

I read this passage today at the end of Anne of Avonlea and it described our love so perfectly that I had to share. Anne has taken her view of love out of classic romantic stories and can't imagine that it could be next to her all the time, but she's starting to see things differently.

It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted, giving to her view a revelation of unsuspected feelings and realities. Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one's life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one's side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music; perhaps... perhaps... love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a goldenhearted rose slipping from its green sheath.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Jeff and I are being totally challenged and changed by our new church's "Life's Healing Choices" series. It's the basis for the Celebrate Recovery program and it's essentially a brief overview of recovery based on the Beattitudes, which are the "Blessed are's" in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount.

Todays' devotion was about meekness ("Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth"), and about choosing your reaction to injustice. It's very appropriate in our life right now because a friend is facing some injustice and it's becoming a real challenge to choose our reaction. We still choose to take action on behalf of the oppressed because that's who we want to be, but we can choose love and grace as well. And we can choose gratitude rather than resentment.

The amazing thing is that when I look around, we have so very much to be grateful for. God is taking incredible care of our friend and of us as well. Jeff's job is wonderful and looking like it might get even better, I have the blessing of spending every day impacting our daughter, we own our first home, I can leave the house on a daily basis now if I want, the weather is great right now, we have more friends than we can count, I could go on and on.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

********** NEWSFLASH ***************************

Doot doot doot doot, doot doot doot doot....

This just in -- Lilia Joy has signed "Doggie" today! This morning, at approximately 7:30 am, in her mother's arms she looked at the dog and signed doggie with a smile on her face. She repeated it several times this morning.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Beautiful Bow!

There is a lot of heavy stuff going on in my life right now that I'm not at liberty to talk about, which always stinks.

So I'm going to talk about this ridiculous, gorgeous blue bow I made for my little pumpkin on Friday. Don't you love it??? It's so classic Hollywood, right? I am not a remotely craft-inclined person, so I was pretty proud. I made an equally ridiculous yellow one. I look forward to making more. I will of course post photos

Monday, October 5, 2009


I have come to be a big believer in having some regular rhythms in our family's life. I remember a pastor named Ray Johnston saying "The key to your future is hidden in your daily habits." It has proven completely true in my life for sure. It's not what we say we value or even what we think we value that seems to change us in the end, but what we do regularly, almost unconsciously.

I'm keenly aware that I'm shaped by all of these little things. It matters whether I eat breakfast, take a walk, pray, read to my baby, sing. So Jeff and I have decided to take stock again of our daily habits and routines to see whether they line up with what we want for our family.

I'm a big fan of not making sweeping changes to my life very often because they nearly never stick, so in these cases I tend to come away with one thing that I want to change permanently. I'm excited to see what that will be!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Blessings, Part 2

It's so easy to recognize that God is sovereign when things are going great, isn't it? But it's a little harder when you're dealing with something difficult or unexpected. "He gives and takes away" is a lot easier when He gives.

But in this valley I can't help but remember that God has been so incredibly good to us. We have a lot of great stuff right now -- a house, a new van -- but really the heart of our family is what I'm so grateful for. God holds us so close to Him! We know how blessed we are to be partners in leading this family (we both came close to really messing that up!) and we know how blessed we are to have our incredibly beautiful baby girl. Our life is filled with, and centered around, love. That is rare and we know it. We have deep, real friendships, a beautiful baby and true love. He gives indeed.

Before the miscarriage there were some great pictures I wanted to share of Grandma's visit! It was great to have her and Lilia was over-the-moon excited every day. One of the most fun parts was when we went up to Prescott for a half-day trip. It was great! I had to take a picture of Jeff changing a diaper in the park in front of the court house, and I had to take one of the sewing machine Grandma bought while we were there! We also went to the zoo, so I'll include a few of those as well. :)