Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

If I were Oprah, I would make The Perfect Baby Shower Gift and give it away to hundreds of deserving new moms.

Here's what it would have in it:
  • A Baby Pak Diaper Bag. It's a backpack and it's so small but it holds everything! I can do a whole day outing with both babies in this little wonder! And my hands are always free, which is rule with me.
  • A Pikkolo baby carrier from Catbird Baby. This carrier is so versatile it can go from newborn to toddler, no problem. AND you keep your hands free. AND you don't kill your back with one of those stupid baby bucket things. AND babies almost always love it because they're being snuggled all the time!
  • All 4 Baby Signing Time DVD's. These things are amazing. Lilia still signs so much that we're gonna roll it into a second language for homeschooling. They're so well done, the music is not annoying, and your child learns a second language.
  • Of all the books I've read and love, only two would make The Gift: Sleeping Through the Night by Jodi Mindell and Families Where Grace is in Place by Jeff Van Vonderen. Because these two books saved my life.
  • A book of phone numbers for my chiropractor, my lactation consultant, and about 10 grace-filled mommies. :)
There's my list! What's on yours?

1 comment:

Erica said...

I am SO going to pester you for advice once we get into reproduction mode...