Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Study in Contrasts

So tonight my brain is in three places.

1. I'm currently watching a FABULOUS episode of the Colbert Report. He's in Iraq. It's freaking hilarious. I particularly like his logo, which includes the word "veritasiness."

2. I'm rereading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, which is as wonderful as the first time I read it. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading this engaging series, allow me to be the 457th person to recommend it to you....

3. I'm getting extremely excited about Monvee. Most of you who know is know that Jeff and I LOVE John Ortberg. We often joke about calling him on the phone and asking him to mentor us. If you haven't read any of his books, we highly recommend them. Particularly The Life You've Always Wanted. Anyway, I think Monvee is turning out to be the closest one can get to being personally mentored by Ortberg. I'm working with the leadership team at our church on spiritual formation and I'm recommending this program! I would love to know what you all think.


Erica said...

Yay for Colbert and Potter!

It took me ages to find an explanation for Monvee(tm) online, since I can't watch video at work. So it's like an automatic spiritual growth guidance generator? Hm. Skeptikal kitteh iz unconvinzed.

Erica said...

P.S. Have you rated my story on www.shortbreadstories.com yet?? The voting period's almost done!

Alyssa the Ragamuffin said...

Already voted for it and asked everyone I know to do so as well! :)

I get what you're saying on Monvee and I'm thinking and thinking about it. The thing is that John Ortberg and Dallas Willard are involved. Have you ever read any of their stuff? I think it just gives suggestions -- it's not actually meant to replace a mentor or a group, it recommends a mentor or a group. Know what I mean?

Erica said...

Haven't read their stuff, but yeah, I'm sure it's potentially a helpful guide. And yet... that's not all it seems to be trying to do, either, you know? It already has buzzwords (something about discipleship being 'handcrafted'?), and people sort of 'signing on' or not... I dunno. I kind of wish there weren't any famous Christian leaders. I don't think it's a good fit. It's a religion best suited to adversity, not marketing.