Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Not Supposed to Be Like This

(Be forewarned that this post is pretty raw.)

I went to a funeral yesterday. Pretty sure it was a 24 inch casket, all decked out in pink flowers. My neighbors' precious, innocent, beautiful, 2 1/2-month-old baby girl died in their arms Monday.

It's not supposed to be like this.

Oh, but it is like this. It's excruciating. I've recently prayed for another beautiful family who lost another beautiful baby and a friend who suddenly lost a long-time friend who had only just become his girlfriend.

As this amazing mother who had only 16 days with her son wrote, "When I consider the collective weight of grief people are bearing, I am amazed that the world does not sink under it."

I've heard that "everything happens for a reason," that somehow we should be okay with this. People are uncomfortable, I suppose, with the wrongness of all of it. They want to make it cleaner, make it somehow okay.

My feelings are too much to articulate. So I will only say this:

This is not the way it's supposed to be. Say what you want about death or grief, but don't try to make it okay. People are walking around with these gaping wounds left on their souls when loved ones have gone. It is not okay.

Parents should be able to raise their children. Lovers should have a chance to build their lives together. It's just not supposed to be like this.


Michelle said...

You are right, it's not supposed to be like this. I can't even imagine the pain that family must be feeling right now. I had a dear friend lose her baby when she was 8 months warning, just went in for a regular checkup and the doc couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. It was devasting. The only thing that got her through it was God. Even when the unthinkable happens, the God is there to be our strenth. God didn't mean for our lives to be this way...He didn't create sin and all the things that came with it (disease, death, suffering, pain). But He is there to get us though. It rains on the just and the unjust, and that just plain stinks.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless and my breath has caught. I checked out your friend's blog and the blog she made her for her son. It's heartbreaking and yet she writes with such beauty and strength. I will keep her and her family in my prayers.