Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Points of Light

We've had a difficult few weeks in that Evan has not been sleeping well. As all of my real life and blogging friends know, I am not good with sleep deprivation. But we march on.

A few things have really gotten me through all of it. I thought I would memorialize those.
  • Jeff's encouragement. We watched a movie together on Sunday night ("Date Night." We loved it.) and had a chance to just chat. It was amazing. I told Jeff I was feeling discouraged because I've never had to work so hard just to "make par" at anything in my life as I have with parenting. He told me he doesn't think I am just making par. He told me he thinks I'm the best mom he knows. He said how much he appreciates that I always seem to know what the babies need, and how compassionate I am with them, and how seriously I take teaching them things. I could go on that for a year! Wow.
  • Lilia's compassion. Lilia continues to have such an inherently kind heart. I love it so much! If I bonk or say "ow," she says, "Mama! Owie! Kisses!" until I let her kiss my owie. She worries about Evan if he cries. She misses us when we're gone. She snuggles the animals and pets them gently. She shares. It really keeps me going to see her be so loving.
  • Evan's smiles and snuggles. His face just completely lights up with joy when he sees me and I can't help but smile back. He's trying so hard to talk now, gurgling and cooing and smiling and thinking hard. And he just snuggles into me with his whole body. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world.
  • Great friends. Today I was going on about 4 hours sleep, plus the chronic sleep deprivation of the last two weeks, but I went to a play date with some friends from church and felt so much better. It's lovely to be in the same boat and share joys and frustrations with other moms. I also still greatly, greatly appreciate the incredible friends we made in our small group. It feels weird to call them friends because at this point they are family members. Thank God for cell phones and texting because sometimes they are a lifeline.
So all in all it really hasn't been too bad, going through this bout of sleep deprivation. It really doesn't take long for me to remember how very blessed I am. Hopefully sleep will come soon but I'm so glad I'm not missing out on these precious relationships in the meantime.

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