Sunday, February 15, 2009

Church and Feeding

We braved church today. I'm unduly proud of us. We weren't even late!

The difficulty is managing feeding Lilia between events, etc. Church is about 40 minutes away, so if she's eating every 2 hours (usual for the waking hours) and we feed her just before we go, then she'll need to eat again right in the middle! The difficulty with this is that I'm not really very good at feeding discreetly yet. I can cover once she's latched, but I don't have the hang of latching under cover....

Today she has slept most of the day anyway, though. I'm thinking I'm going to try to get her to eat as much as possible before bed so she doesn't need to eat too much at night! Yesterday she cluster-fed most of the day and she let us sleep a 5-hour stretch at night.

So, experienced breastfeeding moms (and their partners-in-parenting!), any tips on managing all of this feeding stuff? I'm always afraid I'm not reading her cues right, not feeding her enough, going to get stuck in a situation where I don't know where to feed her, etc....



Anonymous said...

I wasn't good at all with public feedings... but I will pass along this tip... learn to feed her while laying on your side. I didn't figure it out until Beans and man o'mighty did it ever help with the middle of the night feedings.

Alyssa the Ragamuffin said...

Sweet. I just got her latched in the side-lying position for the first time this weekend! I was thrilled.

alissa said...

Hey there... I don't know if you have an actual nursing cover (called Hooter Hider...), but that has helped me immensely this time. It has a wire in it so you can see the baby and latch but others can't see. I used it in church when he was really little - only problem was he is so loud people could hear him slurping! :) Try for slings, covers, etc.