Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Moby Wrap, Moby Wrap, How Do I Love Thee?

Jeff and I went back and forth about what wrap(s) and/or sling(s) to buy before Lilia was born. After careful consideration, I decided I wanted the Moby Wrap.

Of everything we bought, this is the one thing I am the most happy with and use the most! I love it for a million reasons. Here are some of them:
  • Proximity. Me and Lilia both feel much better when we are very close together. It's comforting.
  • Kindness to my back. Those who know me know that my back hates me. When I wear the Moby Wrap, I have NO BACK PAIN! This alone is a minor miracle.
  • Privacy. I admit that I'm a bit of a "baby hog" and it's hard for me to share or allow people into my space with Lilia. Well, when you put a baby in a carrier, everyone wants to pick it up. When you put it in the Moby Wrap, everyone respects your space. This is a big deal when you've got a newborn.
  • Ability to multi-task. Tonight I've done laundry (including folding), cleaned a lot of the apartment, and typed this blog with the Moby Wrap on, contented baby inside. She loves it, I don't have to put her down to get stuff done. Win-win.
If you are having a baby (and I highly recommend that, too!), I would recommend buying a Moby Wrap first thing! Oh, and trash the instruction manual and just search "Moby Wrap" on youTube for clear visual instruction as to how to use it.

**Please note that this photo is also pictoral evidence that we made it to church!**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it - that thing is amazing! I want to have another baby so I can wrap up and snuggle close!