Sunday, October 3, 2010

Before I Forget!

As I write this, my babies are 20 months and 2 months. I can hardly believe it.

When I imagine their future as 5-year-olds, 15-year-olds, 30-year-olds, the picture is misty and vague. But I know that when those days are real it will be this one that seems misty and vague.

So here are a few more things I *love* about today.
  • Evan's pout is the CUTEST pouty face I've ever seen. You can see the worry start to creep over his tiny little face. His brow starts to furrow, and he looks at you pleadingly, and the corners of his mouth turn down perfectly. Perfectly.
  • Lilia adores computers and has made up her own word and sign for them. We can't figure out where it came from, but computer is "Boku" and for the sign she puts both hands under her chin and wiggles her fingers.
  • Every time Lilia says Evan's name she says it with complete delight. "Evan!" Literally every time.
  • Until this morning when she said eggs it sounded like "ice." Today, though, it was correct. I grieved a little bit.
  • More of my favorite Lilia words: "holp" = help, "efont" = elephant, "Baba" = Grandpa, "Aca" = Erica (auntie), "Baboo" = Badger (uncle)
  • Evan looks dead serious when you burp him. Like, "I have a job to do here, and I'm going to do it." But in between he tries to cuddle us.
There's so much more, but this is enough for today. Thanks for indulging me!

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