Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's simpler this way.

Sadly, I've been reflecting a lot on politics lately. It's not a bright spot for me in Arizona right now, but I feel obliged to think about it to be a good citizen.

I am really starting to get depressed about the whole thing.

In the ideal world in my head, every citizen would do three things:
1. Care
2. Think
3. Be kind

This world is so far from ideal.

The problem, as I see it, is that people start by caring very little. They care enough to listen to a "public figure" (usually famous for being hateful and rude) give his or her opinion but not enough to dig into the complex underlying factors in nearly every issue. Especially if those complex underlying factors challenge their ideas or those of their chosen hateful commentator.

This brings us to the lack of thinking. Most people don't look deep enough to be challenged on an issue, so they don't give the issues much thought.

Then, since they've chosen their side (red or blue) and they see the issues in simple black and white it's easy for them to decide that the people on the other side are stupid or evil and treat them accordingly, leading to a lack of kindness.

I don't have television so I haven't seen any campaign ads this cycle, but the signs are enough to drive me to drink. I saw one today that simply suggested we vote against someone because he's an incumbent. Really? Yes. Because it's a lot easier to say "screw them all. I'm going to vote 'em all out!" than it is to investigate the issues that are important to you and choose a candidate who agrees with you on those issues.

I guess it's simpler this way.

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