Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Snapshot of Today

Some days we wake up and Lilia is older. Folks with no kids may argue that they get a tiny bit older every night, but as near as I can tell that's a lie.

Because this morning Lilia was much older. Jeff and I both noticed it. She looks bigger and she just seems older today. Examples:
  • Her words for "Grandma" and "Mama" both sounded exactly the same until today. Today she looked at my phone and said, "Gramma."
  • She put on her own shoes today!
  • I said, "Shall we give Evan some tummy time now?" and she said, "Yup." She proceeded to go get his little play mat and set it up on the floor.
  • I asked if she wanted to give her dolly some tummy time and she said yes. I put her dolly on the mat and she said, "nigh nigh." I asked if she wanted to sing to her dolly and she did! "I Nee" ("I Need Thee Every Hour"). That was the first time!
  • She built a tower with her duplo blocks. Usually she just takes them out and/or dumps them on the floor.
It's shocking how fast all of this is going.

Evan's doing it too. I was convinced this was way too early for his personality to come out, that this was tons earlier than Lilia. He's doing so much smiling and cooing and all of that, I was sure it was too early. But I looked back at Lilia's pics and she was about the same. The truth is that the time has just gone by tons faster.

I still love watching them together, though. She leans down and kisses him probably 15 times a day. She'll say, "Evan! Kisses!" That means, "I have kisses for Evan." She also reaches out her arms to him and says, "Hode!" which means "May I hold him please?" He just stares at her and tries to talk when she holds him, and he smiles like crazy, and he tries to kiss her back.


The Holloway's said...

Don't you just wish you could freeze time, because they are so precious! I feel the same way over here , they are growing way too quick. Hope you are well, and that we see you guys soon!

Erica said...

*sniff* We need to Skype again soon!!