Friday, May 29, 2009

3 Wishes

1. I wish I had taken these pictures, but I have to give credit on that to the amazing Miss Jaime, who has heard my plea for better pictures of my beautiful baby! These are from our short afternoon at her house last Sunday. It was lovely. THANK YOU, JAIME! We will treasure these forever. And they will close out the "month 4" album, as Miss Lilia started her fifth month today. It's so hard to believe.

2. I wish I were related to C.S. Lewis. No, seriously. I'm reading a book of his essays and I'm totally astounded. He has a way of pinpointing ideas and the thoughts behind them that is so... piercing. It's actually not his clarity of thought that I admire so much as his clarity of heart, though. Here was a man who lived in an ivory tower but showered money and time and other blessings on the rest of us. He gave and gave and gave although his poor bookkeeping skills led him to believe he was nearly impoverished most of the time. He prayed that God would take his wife's pain and give it to him instead. He wrote back to everyone. He paid for a single mother's boys to go to private school. The examples of his kindness and generosity are endless, but you won't find a single one in his own work -- others tell the stories.

Most of you know that Lilia's middle name (Joy) is a tribute to Lewis. Jeff and I have read, discussed and traded C.S. Lewis books for more than a decade and they still challenge us to examine ourselves more closely and love others more deeply. So, here's to Jack. Wish I could've shaken his hand.

3. I wish I had some sort of personal central air conditioning system so I was immune to this heat. That's right kids, it's getting hot. 100-105 hot, which in Phoenix is a temperature accompanied by a certain sense of internal dread. Summer is coming. Summer. Is coming. Cue slow drum beat.

I was going to use my final wish to wish for October due to the weather, but I would never wish away those months with my beautiful baby girl (see wish #1 for evidence). So I guess it's not all that bad, is it? ;)

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