Sunday, May 3, 2009


The good news: Miss Lilia has really settled in to a routine during the day and is napping well. This is good because we need to be house hunting pretty much every day and she can generally just sleep in the car.

The bad news: She's back to eating every two hours all night and I am losing it. Jeff has come home and rescued me a couple of times, but I'm worried about him losing sleep because he has to go to work. The problem, however, is that I just feel like a 24-hour Denny's. And then to make matters worse there's some issue that is causing her to cry when she eats or after (we're still doing detective work and trying to figure out what that is!). So last night Jeff came home at about 11:30, when he used to find us happily asleep in bed, to Lilia screaming in pain and me near tears after trying to get sleep and failing since 6pm. He graciously took her and walked her while I cried in bed. The first couple of nights of this were okay, but I'm not going to survive if it keeps going!

It is very hard to keep any kind of perspective at all when you don't get a certain minimal amount of sleep, but I'm trying to hang on to some. Lord, keep me sane!


Michelle said...

Oh Alyssa, I'm so sorry! Just remember it DOES get better:) I'll be praying for you.

Erica said...

Sounds insane. Any luck finding out why she's crying when she eats?