Monday, May 18, 2009

Updates, and The Roof is On Fire!

This is one of those random blog posts with unrelated items.

1. Update on home purchase: We have our inspection this morning at 9. We would really appreciate prayer that no "deal killers" are found in the inspection and that the inspector finds everything! Thank you.

2. I pumped yesterday and Jeff took the baby all night last night while I slept on the couch. It was glorious. I got up at about 4:30 wondering why the sun wasn't up. We decided to try this over Mother's Day weekend: Jeff will sleep on the couch on Thursday nights (midway through his workweek) and I will do so on Sunday nights (midway through his weekend). That way we can both get some good sleep in. I look forward to hearing how their night was, but it sounded to me like there were no horribly long crying spurts so that's a good thing! Trial and error, trial and error, trial and error. That appears to be the pattern of parenting. Dan, you're right about the communication and learning to rely on each other! It's actually a really neat bonus.

3. Crazy thing happened last night. I was working through Lilia's bedtime routine with her (I put her to bed at 6:30 and then gave her her 9pm feeding before going to sleep myself) when I thought there was a thunderstorm. I couldn't figure out what the rushing water and pounding thunder sounds were. Jeff was making dinner in the other room and just as I was about to go ask him what was going on he came in and said, "The apartment above us is on fire." Freaked out would be an understatement. I grabbed that baby out of her bed so fast and we were out the door! The first thing I saw was the fire department -- 3 trucks and a LOT of guys -- and all of our neighbors outside watching. We were apparently the last ones to know. Praise God the fire appeared to be very small and everything seemed to return to normal quickly. Pray for our upstairs neighbors. I don't know the extent of things and they left last night before we had a chance to offer any assistance.

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