Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Babywatch Excitement! It's (officially) a girl!!!

Mom came down today and went to the ultrasound with me, which was super fun. It was hilarious to see this ultrasound vs. the other ones. In the other ones the baby is all compact and sort of typical of what you would think an ultrasound looks like. In this one, you could only see one part at a time and it was all squished up! It was really comical, this poor little baby trying to make the best of her crammed circumstances.

Speaking of "her"....

The tech said it's actually harder to tell at this stage whether it's a boy or girl, but she told us she's nearly certain it's a girl. So we're taking that for gospel truth and going with "It's a girl!" We're excited! Of course, we'd be equally excited if it were a boy but we'd have to buy a few things....


Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you are going to be a mom. I'm blown away by seeing all these little people that are mini versions of my old school chums...

Anonymous said...

Congrats Alyssa and Jeff, on your coming baby girl! I am so excited for you! Girls are so much fun. You guys will be great parents!

Anonymous said...

Now if she would just make her grand entrance...

Anonymous said...

That's great! I can't wait to meet her! (or him?) :3