Sunday, January 4, 2009

"I'd rather be miserable with you."

Ordinarily, Jeff is a rock. He doesn't get sick, ever. He has the immune system of steel, of which I'm very jealous.

But I think all the stress of the transition has weakened his immune system a little and yesterday he got a dreaded cold. Poor thing! He's so miserable! Congestion, fatique, sore throat, achiness, the whole nine yards.

The only thing I like about Jeff getting sick is that I have the opportunity to "baby him" in ways he otherwise may not exactly tolerate. ;) So this morning I made him Throat Coat tea, french toast, orange juice, muffins, and cut up an apple. And I heated him up a corn bag and got him all settled in for breakfast.

Over the table he looked at me with his bleary eyes and said, "I'd rather be miserable with you than healthy with anyone else!"

Made my day.


academic poser said...

That might be the sweetest thing I have heard in quite a while. Sniff.
I'm ick today, too. It's not the same when you have to make your own tea. :( I guess I'll have to work on training the fish.

Alyssa the Ragamuffin said...

Oh dear! I'd make you tea, too! :(

Tracy said...

Isn't great that we have guys who say the sweetest things!