Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Babywatch Update

So, more news from the Brooks-Dowty home...

We are heading over to Chandler Regional Hospital. Alyssa & Jeff have made a very difficult decision, but they believe that it's the best thing for Lilia. Her heart rate has been okay, but showing little variability in the last few hours. Alyssa's contractions, though strong and steady, have not been dilating the cervix much. She is fully effaced, but only 3 cm dilated after all these hours. Sue has been great and errs on the side of caution when it comes to transporting. Since she has no explanation as to why this is occurring, transporting is her recommendation and Alyssa & Jeff are completely at peace with it.

Prayer is needed for courage to get through the next few unknowns. They are fearful of what the next step looks like. Please also pray that Alyssa can get some sleep in so that she will have the strength to push Lilia out once it's time. A few more requests are that they have wonderful nurses who can nurture and encourage the most natural labor possible at this point and for no complications that will lead to a c-section.

Thanks for the prayers! I will try to post again, but there is no telling if I will get a chance as I am also headed to the hospital to be with them. Know that they are well taken care of and are really supporting each other. They are going to be such amazing parents. I look forward to posting a picture of the newest edition to the B-D's house!


Anonymous said...

Eliecia, thank you so much for filling us in. It's hard being so far away during all this -- this blog has helped loads.

Waiting and hoping...

Anonymous said...

continuing to lift you all up prayer!

Jaime said...

Alyssa and Jeff - you guys are more that capable of facing whatever is coming your way. God has both of you and the baby and this delivery process right in the palm of his hand. He loves you so much and He is right beside you...breathe Him in and find peace in knowing that His eyes are on you and His heart is for you and His love is pouring all over you right where your at.