Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Babywatch Update

Hi -- Jeanne here again. Here's the scoop: she's 6cm dilated, and her contractions are irregular and weakening (the baby is fine!). Alyssa hasn't been able to rest at all, or keep down any nutrition, although she's hanging in there like a trooper. SO -- they're going to give her an epidural, and Pitosin (sp?) if needed, to bring on the labor, because she's been in a a race against the clock since her water broke. They were hoping to go a much more ... natural ... route, but they're going to need their strength and restedness after the baby comes ... !

So, here's the prayer: that she'll take the epidural well, that she (& Jeff) will get some rest for a few hours, that the epidural itself will induce the labor so she won't have to take the Pitosin, and that we'll have a healthy baby and some happy parents in a few hours.

Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Epidural Club! They are wonderful! I would have never gotten through my labor without one. I got mine around 6cm as well. I was offered pitosin from the moment I got to the hospital, but refused until I was at 9 1/2cm and finally gave in (so I didn't get much). I am praying for your rest and renewal so you can push that baby out! Also, when I was at the very end, the Dr. wanted to use the vacuum, I asked if I could push one more time and that was the push that got her out. I hope my story has been a little helpful and comforting to you. I can't wait to hear more details about your story when you're ready to tell it.